As CopDB is developed further we will need volunteers to act as moderators over certain regions. Initially we will be launching with coverage only in Utah. If you would like to volunteer, or just chat about the project, feel free to join our chat server or email us.
Help / Documentation
If you're looking for information about how to use CopDB check out the documentation site.
Go to documentation site
Please join the chat server to discuss anything from how to use the database to police abolition!
Join chat server
If you just have a question or don't want to join yet another chat server feel free to email us instead!
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Secure Tip Drop
Only accessible via TOR!
Providing information about cops can be risky. If you would rather use our secure tip drop server than any of the other options please click the link below.
Note that the tip site only works via the TOR network, so you must access it via a tool like the TOR Browser which can be downloaded here.
Go to secure tip site