Community Sourced Police Database

You can't abolish what you don't measure! We're building a database of police and their activities. Check it out!
Launch DB


Bad Pigs and Vicious Dogs

Bad Pigs and Vicious Dogs

The shallow appeasement and false accountability of SLCPD

Puercos Malos Y Perros Resabiado

El apaciguamiento superficial y el falso compromiso del SLCPD
Puercos Malos Y Perros Resabiado
Name the Bastards!

Name the Bastards!

Cowardice “journalism” and the protection of power in Salt Lake City

¡Nombra a los bastardos!

La cobardía del “periodismo” y la protección del poder en Salt Lake City
¡Nombra a los bastardos!
December Update

December Update

Since June, CopDB has been moving very quickly, and is finally out of beta! 🎉